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modern technology leadership


Meet your organization’s full potential


How Does Tech Drive Your Success?

We understand the importance of technology in running a successful business. From IT infrastructure and security, to cloud solutions and digital transformation, we’ve seen it all, and used it to grow our business. We’ll do the same for you.

modern voip phone systems

Modern phone systems that use Time-based digital assistants, your phones only ring when you’re open for business.

data & Security

Ransomware, Viruses, Hardware failure. Modern business operations are threatened every day by something new. We’ll help you navigate the unseen risks to your business.

Wireless, Guest networks

Isolate your critical networks and safely provide easy-to-use Wi-Fi to your guests. No more sharing of WiFi passwords. Just a simple Facebook Check-In and they get timed, limited access.

IT Strategy

Technology is an enabler. How is it enabling your business? We’ll help you find out and maximize the potential of technology for your company.

Retail, restaurant, Office, construction

No matter the category, getting your IT strategy right is critical to ensuring your ongoing success. 

lets get started

313 Main St, Ames, Iowa
+1 515 375 1644